
FNAF 1-3 - My Personal Thoughts and Theories

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Ravyn-Karasu's avatar

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I have a couple theories for you. I've been thinking a lot about the storyline, timeline, and information and more so with the third installment. So, I figured I'd share.

THEORY 1 - 90 Day Cover Up Period</i>

I find it interesting that, while people have been confused about the November pay for a summer job in FNAF, no one realized that, if Mike and Jeremy worked in August, the November paycheck would be about 90 days after their employment. Phone Guy mentions that if an incident occurs, the company has 90 days to clean up or report a missing person after the injury, disappearance, or injury to an employee.

had mentioned that he didn't expect anyone to actually BEAT FNAF, and no name is offered on the pink slip. There's no real reason to indicate the person on night 7 is Mike, and it's possible a second person was working on night 7, just like in FNAF 2 when Jeremy is replaced by a different character on night 7.

Even with injury and death, they have to provide the funds for the services rendered. So, while the check is made out to Mike, it might be going to his beneficiary (you have to put down an emergency contact when you apply for jobs). We don't know anything about his personal life, so he may have a parent or other relative receiving the pay on his behalf after the restaurant took its 30 days to cover up Mike's disappearance.

In FNAF 2, it's suggested that Jeremy is the person who got bitten, and again, this would need a 90 cover time to replace the mess (he would have made a mess) and cover up other damages. He survived and therefore is still entitled to the pay for his services. After the 90 day cover up time, he finally gets the pay for his hourly schedule. However, this check would be separate from the pay he could have gotten from any settlements. Survival of a bite like that would surely equal a lawsuit, no matter who the victim is.

Phone Guy specifically states there is a 90 day waiting period before action is taken when an employee is killed or injured. If both Jeremy and Mike worked in August, that would put the action taken (and pay) being issued in November, the dates on the checks. And the pink slip in FANF 1 is, like in the second, a different employee

THEORY 2 - Two Killers

Initially, this one is not too new. People have suggested two killers as there are two different designs for Purple Guy. Some people have even claimed Phone Guy as one of the Purple Guy characters. However, there are TWO yellow suits: Spring Bonnie (aka Spring Trap) and Golden Freddy. In FNAF 3, we learn there are TWO spring lock costumes, one being Bonnie. Golden Freddy is likely the other, aka Spring Freddy. Both are very similar, having animatronic parts, but also having that slump as if they were empty.

In FNAF 3, we see one of the Purple Guy characters being killed when he tries to hide in Spring Bonnie (and once you see the pics of that, you cannot unsee it. You can see the head inside Springtrap during his attack). Two spring-lock costumes, two designs for Purple Guy?

THEORY 3 -Two separate events …or more?

What RUMORS were being spread around regarding the Fazbear name? Some suggest that it's the death of the first child at Fredbear’s Diner. We aren’t really privy to what happened to the previous Fazbear location, though.

What if the murder of the five kids happened at the location before FNAF 2 but after Fredbear? We don’t know what the first Fazbear location looked like. What if someone used Spring Freddy (aka Golden Freddy) to lure the children and do the deed, thereby setting the murders before the prequel? The mini games in FNAF 3 suggest that the Purple Guy was frightened by the ghosts of the dead children, hence why he hides in Spring Bonnie. This event could possibly happen during FNAF 2, as all we are told is “Someone used a spare suit: a yellow one.” Spring Bonnie is yellow. It’s also been suggested that it’s not the new animatronics that are possessed, but the old ones, and the parts being used in the other newer ones thereby expand the range of the hauntings.

It is strange Purple Guy kills the animatronics in the FNAF 3 mini games, but hides from the dead children.  So, what if it’s a ruse? The animatronics being that Purple Guy (Purple Freddy in this case) is leading the others to their death, and the dead children are representing the 4 animatronics and original dead kid (marionette/puppet). As in, they are the animatronics, but not represented in costume. If this were the case, Purple Guy would want to hide his face due to the facial recognition systems. That would give him a reason to hide in Spring Bonnie, but would also lead to his demise.

The use of the “spare yellow suit” would mean that the safe room would have that dead body in it and, if discovered, would be disturbing. Phone Guy mentions people dying but never seems connected, except that one call in FNAF 2 where he is clearly upset. Perhaps he saw the damage done to Purple Guy first-hand and that’s what has him shook up. It’s also when a position opens up on the day shift. We only ASSUME everything happened at night, but there is no 100% confirmation that everything happened at night aside from it just being dark. But a night guard is employed from 12-6 am. If it’s a party place, it’s possible that the establishment is open as late as 10pm with staff leaving as late as 11-11:30pm. That’s a lot of dark times that the place would be open.

THEORY 4 – Spring Freddy Killed Phone Guy?

A lot of people claim that Phone Guy was stuffed into Golden Freddy. If Springtrap is any indication, then perhaps Golden Freddy is another spring-lock suit. We see in FNAF 3 that Purple Guy hid in Spring Bonnie, but the safe rooms were discontinued after that. Phone Guy was alive at the time the safe rooms were boarded up. Spring Freddy would still have been available (Golden Freddy) but not in use. What if, in a desperate attempt to protect himself, Phone Guy used Spring Freddy in hopes of deterring the other animatronics. He sure was calm when he said “Oh, no….” Like he was already defeated and there was no fight that could save him.

Couldn’t we then suggest that he was inside Spring/Golden Freddy and the sound of the spring locks coming loose is what the “Oh, no…” was for? We hear what could be Chica coming in, but people have suggested that it’s not Chica’s scream, but Golden Freddy’s. So, if Phone Guy is in the suit already and the locks start to loosen, maybe the snap of the spring-lock devices failing and pretty much chopping him to bits is where the Golden Freddy scream comes from, as everything is crushing his face and body (and we see how when we see the inside of Spring Bonie/Springtrap).

So, in a sense, Spring/Golden Freddy could have killed Phone Guy, but not as a living animatronic, but due to the malfunction of the suit itself while Phone Guy was in it.


Scott has dropped a few strange quotes in and out of the FNAF 3 game. One was a response of “Who said the story is finished?” This was in response to people assuming the series was over due to the Freddy hat on his page. This could be a tease either way, though it sounds like there is more story to tell.

There is something strange that Phone Guy says in FNAF 3 that just seemed out of place. “Do not use the spring-lock suits. Temporary suits will be provided…” and something to the effect of “Color and relevance are not to be an issue.” So…what costumes were given to the costumed performers? We already know that Purple Bonnie, Brown Freddy, Yellow Chica, and Red Foxy are already part of the franchise. We see drawings on the wall of loose purple Bonnie suits and I think a loose brown Freddy. These are the colors of the regular animatronics, so why would color and relevance be an issue?

Toy animatronics maybe? Well, even then, the colors for the toys were established already. The spring-suits were likely already out of use by this time, since we see the damage of Spring/Golden Freddy. The danger associated with the suits was already relevant, but the old models were brought to the new location anyway, but I digress.

What suits were used that would call into question color and relevance? If it was a bunny, bear, fox, or fox, then wouldn’t the relevance NOT be an issue? They are relevant to the current animatronics of the time. Is it because they aren’t yellow? The regular animatronics are not yellow either, so even color, so long as they are purple, brown, yellow, and red are relevant. So, was there a neon pink kitty and orange alligator or something we don’t know about? Why is color and relevance an issue that “should not be an issue?”

Will there be a FNAF 4 and will these strange color/questionably relevant suits be a thing in that part of the story?   Will the ending of the third game play a part in the fourth? Most people get the Bad Ending, which shows the attraction open. What happens after it opens? The Good Ending prompts that the place was burned down in a fire and most of the stuff was destroyed, with only bits and pieces being auctioned off. So, which ending will be the prompt for FNAF 4 if Scott follows through with his tease? Could we be seeing whole different animatronics altogether? FNAF3 used ONE animatronics [the rest being “harmless hallucinations), and it’s implied Springtrap is destroyed in the fire (for the Good Ending).

THEORY 6 – How recent is the death of Purple Guy/Springtrap?

Despite the long period of time, there is a lot of flesh still on the person inside of Springtrap. Does this mean that the death was more recent? I think my previous explanation (Theory 2 & 3) still supports the death happening in FNAF 2, but the image of the safe room in the FNAF 3 mini game shows NO windows or ventilation or anything that connects it to the outside world. If the room is boarded up, it’s cut off from the outside. It IS possible for dead bodies to mummify under the right conditions, and it’s possible the room and costume provided the conditions to create a mummy from the corpse, which is why it looks so well-preserved. Though why his eyes are still there, no clue. The veins are still clear and the lights are shining from inside his eyes (suggesting that his eyes are impales onto the eye lights).

However, the question still remains…how did no one see that dead body in that suit?! Didn’t anyone examine the suit to see if it was legit or still functioned? Heck, just a peek at a slightly opened mouth shows us the face of the guy inside. Seriously, even in game-play, the impaled face is visible when Springtrap approaches.

That’s all I have for now doesn’t answer everything, but these were a few things that stood out to me and I wanted to address them while they were on my mind.

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking as I have been watching people play FNAF 3. I've watched people play since the first game and take a lot of enjoyment out of the lore and simplicity. Anyway, here are a few things that stuck out to me and had me thinking. You don't have to agree. These are just my thoughts.
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NightGolem's avatar
Even if they saw the body in the suit, they still would have likely left it for authenticity and said nothing about the corpse at FNAF3. It seemed the ones running it just wanted to spook people~